Friday, November 02, 2007

Awards that Fill My Heart

"Rachel at Heart of Rachel . Yes, she does make me smile." ~ Anna

Anna of Beth & Cory's Mom for giving me this award. I'm truly very sorry it took so long for me to post this but I would like you to know that I will always be grateful for this gesture. It's always wonderful to meet new people through blogging and looking forward to learning more about you. Your thoughtfulness made me smile too.

I would like to share this award to the following people who make me smile.
  • Mitch ~ Your thoughtfulness and kind deeds make me smile and cheerful inside and out. Your creativity and dedication inspire me.
  • Kay ~ I'm proud of your strength and courage for facing your battles. I'm glad that you are picking up the pieces and learning to face life with hope for a better tomorrow.
  • Connie ~ I admire your big heart. You're so thoughtful and giving to your friends. You're blessed with creativity for making beautiful crafts.

"... I’m passing these 3 awards to three chosen people whom I really find nice on and off the cam, err… inside and out..." ~ Mitch

Thank you Mitch for giving me three wonderful awards ~
Cool Mom, First Class Friendship and The Egel Nest Blog Award. You've always been so sweet and generous to me. I admire your creativity and dedication in creating beautiful things on your blog and family website. Keep it up!

Cool Mom Award goes to ...
  • Shawna~ First of all, Happy 1st Anniversary to your blog! I'm so glad to have met you through Photo Hunters. You're really a cool mom. Your love for your family especially your lil' girl, Scamp is very evident in your blog posts.
  • Jane ~ A mom and a yoga enthusiast. Now that's really cool! I know that you recently let your children travel on their own. I understand that letting children grow and discover things on their own does not always come easy. I think that letting your children know that you have their trust and confidence is a reflection of a great and cool mom.
  • Dine ~ I admire how you brought up seven wonderful children who are all achievers in their own way. I know how hard you worked to give them a good life and put them to outstanding schools. That makes you a cool mom in my book.
First Class Friendship Award goes to ...
  • Vicki ~ You're such a sweet friend. I'm grateful for your sweet surprises and wonderful e-mails. Thank you for putting a special post on your blog to help me in KK's contest. I'm overwhelmed how you made it a point to end every new post in your blog with a reminder to your friends to help me in the contest. A gesture I will never forget.
  • Mike ~ You make me happy with your uplifting comments. I'm grateful for your zealous efforts in helping me in KK's contest. I was touched when you put up a sticky post on your blog and asked your friends to help me in the contest. You were even the first one to tell me I got a special prize at KK's site and you were also the first one to congratulate me. I will always remember all the encouragement and support you gave me.
  • Rowena ~ Thank you for your regular visits and all the kind comments on my blog. I appreciate when you send me text messages to wish me a good day ahead or to tell me of a great update . I think of you as a dear friend and hope before the year ends, we can make time to meet one another in person. I know you're on your way home from Tuguegarao and you have missed blogging for several days now. Have a safe trip home and see you on-line later.
The Egel Nest Award goes to ...
  • Irene (Niceheart) ~ I was first attractive to the name of your blog, Journey to Honeyville and I found how interesting and wonderful your blog is. It's always a pleasure to visit your site.
  • Leah ~ When I first visited your blog, I immediately felt your warmth and friendly nature. It's been wonderful getting to know you through blogging. Thanks for sharing your interesting muni-muni.
  • Baby~Amore ~ It's great to come across your wonderful blog. I love visiting and reading about your wonderful family. You're blessed with lovely children and I believe they are equally blessed to have a great mom like you.

Today I received another heartwarming reward from Mitch. After being deprived of the Internet for several days, it feels great to be welcome by a
Friendly Site Award. I would like to extend this award to ...
  • Tina (KK) ~ I'm truly grateful for your generous gift. I did not expect that you will give me a special prize for my efforts. You mentioned about pay it forward. I think you've outdone yourself this time. I really appreciate this very kind deed and I'm so excited.
  • Belle ~ A beautiful woman inside and out. I love your drive for exploring the beauty of nature. I admire how you brought up wonderful children who are gifted and beautiful as well.
  • Anna (BCMom) ~ Thank you for being nice and sweet. I'm grateful for blogging because it allows me to meet kind and friendly people like you. I enjoy visiting your blog and reading your heartwarming posts about your family.

"Rachel at Heart of Rachel is totally sweet for giving me this award." ~ Misty Dawn

Thank you to Misty Dawn for giving me an
Excellent Blog Award. This is the first time I received this kind of award and I really appreciate that you have shared it with me. I appreciate this sweet gesture.

I would like to share this award to ...
  • Evi ~ I love how you take time to travel to many beautiful places with your family. Exploring new places must be quite an adventure. As a reader, I enjoy looking at all the wonderful photos of your different destinations.
  • Jo ~ It's great that you have been enjoying many road trips with your family lately. You never fail to share all the wonderful photos of your trip. I like how you share the background of the places you visit.
  • Yvonne ~ You have an excellent blog dedicated to help writers and aspiring ones to bring writing to a greater level. I'm honored because of the warm welcome you always give me on your blog.

"Rachel -for being Rachel - soulful, thoughtful, inspiring, loving, caring."~ Princess

I would like to share this award to ...
  • Christian ~ I'm glad that you always take time to visit me. You have a great blog and I like reading about your life especially posts which reflect on highs and lows of being a student and a young member of the society.
  • Ann - You have a lovely site. I enjoy coming over and seeing all those cute photos of your son, Dwyn. The title of your blog says it all.
  • Lex (Parisukat) ~ It's a pleasure meeting someone nice and friendly like you through blogging. You have a promising blog and hope that you'll continue to do well in your writing.

"Rachel @ Heart of Rachel - she always takes the time to visit people and leave meaningful comments." ~ Baby-Amore

"Rachel of Heart of Rachel gave me this award. She is an awesome Mom, blogger, internet friend and awesome, thoughtful person all rolled into one." ~ Mary

"Rachel - naturally nice and warm." ~ Lex

Baby~Amore, Mary and Lex (Parisukat) awarded me 3 Nice Matters Awards. I'm very grateful for your kind words about me.

I would like to share this award to ...
  • Nina ~ I'm grateful for your support at KK's contest. Thanks for your sweet campaign to help me in such an endeavor. A gesture that makes you truly deserving of this award.
  • Chona ~ Thanks for posting a special message on your blog to ask your freinds to help me at KK's contest. A kind gesture that I truly appreciate.
  • Teacher Julie ~ Thank you for your heartwarming concern for my blog. I'm grateful that you shared your personal opinion about something on my site. I'm honored by your show of concern.

"These are the sites that i really think beautiful and i often wish that mine could be as pretty and as informative as theirs. These sites give me a daily dose of blogging inspiration and i am honored to give this award to ... Aggie, Jen, Meeya and Rach." ~ Nice

Nice of
We Are Family awarded me with Beautiful Site award. It's a wonderful award especially from someone I just met on-line recently. It makes me happy how sweet and kind people like you appreciate my blog.

I would like to share this award with the following ...

  • Mitch ~ I'm impressed with all the work you've done on your blog, digiscrapping site, personal website and Pinoy Moms Parenting. Very impressive! Keep up the outstanding work.
  • Darlene ~ I am very fond of visiting your site. I like how you creatively designed it. It's wonderful reading about your adorable son and how you important your family is to you.
  • Nancze ~ You have a beautiful spirit and your blog is a great reflection of that. You have a beautiful site filled with positive and hopeful thoughts.

"Rachel’s Heart of Rachel- It just takes one to see that your blog is ALL HEART…" ~ Jane

Thank you to Jane of Here's to Life!
for giving me this great award and it's a pleasure to share tit with the following ...
  • Toni ~ I love your blog because of its fun and interesting content. You are my very first inspiration in blogging.
  • Pea ~ I love visiting your blog regularly. You generously share life's wonderful moments and other great highlights in your blog.
  • Tita Princess ~ It's wonderful reading about the people who have touched your life in different ways. I admire your dedication as a mother, grandma and teacher. It's amazing how effectively you take on each role.

Hailey of Beats and Bits gave me a Sweet Treat. Halloween is over but I'm sure you still have candies and other yummy treats in your house. I would like to share this treat to the following ...
  • Lutchi ~ It's easy to tell that you are a great mom from the wonderful and happy photos you share on your blog. It's a pleasure to meet you through blogging.
  • Chi ~ I think you are a great mom and you deserve s weet treats for every sweet deed you do for your family. I love the way you dressed up Gavin and Sophie for Halloween.
  • Bonggamom ~ You're so creative in decorating your house for Halloween. I give you an A+ for your wonderful and creative efforts. I love how every member in your family dressed up for Halloween. So cool!

Thanks Darlene for
giving me this wonderful blogging opportunity.

Creative Site Award
to ...
  • Thess ~ I love what you've done to your blog. It's a great source of interesting information. You have a great food blog too. I get hungry every time I come over. :)
  • Raquel ~ You have a great site filled with many creative insights and ideas. I enjoy visiting your blog and learning new things.
  • Auee ~ I was amazed at the transformation of your blog. I love all the cool changes especially the great header that reflects a personal side of you.

You're an Amazing Blogger goes to ...

I'm so happy to receive two Amazing Blogger Award from Darlene and Ann and I'm thrilled to pass it on to ...

  • Alice ~ You are a wonderful writer. I like your passion for reading and taking beautiful photographs. It's nice how you regularly share lovely and insightful quotes on your blog.
  • Cess ~ I enjoy reading your posts. Your titles are always very catchy and the content very informative. I admire how much time and effort you give to your loved ones.
  • Feng ~ I think you're an amazing blogger and at the same time an outstanding mother. I love reading about different aspects of life especially highlights about Nico.

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