Friday, November 23, 2007

Aloha Friday #8

Before proceeding to Aloha Friday, just a side note: You can find my Thursday Thirteen #2 here.

Rules: Post any question on your blog on a Friday, share your answer and sign Kailani's Mr. Linky. Then have fun answering the questions of fellow participants by visiting their blogs.

Have you put up your Christmas tree and other Christmas decorations already?

Not yet. We've been a little busy but we plan to do it this weekend. It's perfect timing since we're all home today. My son doesn't have classes because of a tropical storm (ironically, it's so calm and there's not a single drop of rain or sign of wind today). It's a long weekend so we're thinking of putting up the tree and decorating the house for Christmas.

Photo below was taken last year during Christmas eve at home. Yohan had a wonderful time opening his presents.

We'll be putting up the same Christmas tree this year. We have to buy more Christmas lights because some of the lights last year are not working anymore.

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