Monday, October 15, 2007

Secure Behind the Wheel

My brother takes good care of his car and considers it as one of his valuable assets. He bought his first car, a Honda CiviC ESi, when he was in college. It was a second hand car but he was very proud of it because he used his savings to purchase it. When he started working, he saved his money to buy a brand new car. He sold that car in favor of a new one after a few years. This is his current car, an Eclipse sport coupe. The first time he sent me a photo of his car, I told him that the bright Sunset Orange paint suits his fun and jovial personality.

My brother has a carefree attitude in life but he always takes security and safety precautions seriously. When he found out that I was late in renewing our car insurance, he reiterated the risks of having an expired one. He convinced me that having a reliable car insurance will secure me, as well as other parties from damages and physical injuries brought about by accidents. Safety should always be the number 1 priority.

Is you car insured? Find the auto insurance rate applicable to you. You may also get a car insurance quote to determine the appropriate cost of keeping yourself and your loved ones secure behind the wheel.

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