Sunday, October 14, 2007

Season of Sharing is Approaching

I see a lot of Christmas decors in shopping malls. Christmas trees are being put up inside the shops and I sometimes hear Christmas songs being played on the radio. Santa must be busy checking his list twice at this time of the year.

The thought of Christmas makes me very excited. Christmas is a wonderful time for showing your love and appreciation for the special people in your life.

I won't be able to spend Christmas with my parents and my brother but it would be nice if I could surprise them with presents during this special holiday. I learned about Coupon Chief and saw some nice things I could give my family on Christmas. Using coupon codes is a great way to make someone happy on special holidays.

I've never given flowers to my Mom before and I think she would be touched if I could surprise her with a bouquet of red roses from Petals. I saw some tools at Home Depot that would be perfect for my Dad and a nice shirt at Gap for my brother.

Just remember that the thought behind the gift is always more important than its value. Hope everyone will enjoy making their Christmas list as the season of sharing approaches.

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