Monday, October 01, 2007

PMN October Fam Pic :: Green

For the month of October, the theme of PMN Fam Pics is Green. (visit link above to learn more)

My Boy in Green

I like green because it's a color that suits my son well. I would like to share some photos of my son, Yohan taken when he was two years old at Picture Co.

Wearing his favorite green shirt and denim pants, Yohan charmed the young, pretty photographer with his smile. Yohan tried to win her by showing his baby muscles. Yohan was thrilled when he got a kiss from her after the photo shoot. :) Too bad I wasn't able to take a picture of them together.

Watch out for the October PMN Fam Pics Round-up. This post will be updated soon to include the round-up list.

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