Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Heads or Tails #8

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The theme this week: HEADS - Explore

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You'll never know what you're gonna get." ~ Forrest Gump

1. My husband likes exploring new recipes. When he sees a new and interesting recipe in a magazine, cookbook or a cooking show, he won't hesitate to give it a try. He is not a professional chef but he has a passion for cooking.

2. My son enjoys exploring with his new toys. The first thing that Yohan does is look for the instructions or manual. He doesn't know how to read yet so he prefers diagrams but if one is not available, he would ask me to read the instructions to him.

3. Yohan loves exploring children's internet sites, like Disney. He learned to use a mouse early this year. He enjoys playing educational on-line games found on Disney site.

4. I love blogging. I enjoy exploring with my template and adding interesting widgets. I'm still learning by reading about tutorials and testing them on my practice blog.

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