Thursday, October 04, 2007

Connect with Special People Through Pingo

I miss my family. My parents and my brother have been living in the States for more than ten years now. We try to bridge the distance by talking to each other a few times a week. Hearing their voices at the other end of the line always makes me happy.

Overseas calls can be quite expensive and they use a variety of prepaid cards to call me. These prepaid cards are usually cheap but quality is often a problem. Common complaints about inferior prepaid cards are echoing sounds, inaccurate minutes stated, sudden dead silence before time alloted is consumed and noisy interruptions. My family appreciates the savings but if it means getting an inferior service, they would rather pay higher than put up with terrible phone conversations.

Good thing, there is a better choice. Pingo gives you big savings on international calls without sacrificing the quality of the conversations. It has no hidden or extra fees. It only requires a very low account maintenance of 98 cents USD per month maintenance fee. This amount is very small considering the quality, convenience, and efficient customer service.

This phone card international is easy to use. Upon purchasing calling time, Pingo gives you your own unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) and a toll-free access number. Just as simple as that and you can start calling family, friends or even business associates long distance.

Let Pingo connect you with the people you care for most.

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