Friday, October 19, 2007

Aloha Friday #4

Rules: Post any question on your blog on a Friday, share your answer and sign Kailani's Mr. Linky. Then have fun answering the questions of fellow participants by visiting their blogs.

Share an experience you consider as a blessing in disguise.

I was supposed to go to the Glorietta mall today for my facial. Today is also the anniversary of Bioessence (spa and skin clinic) and my skin therapist invited me to take part of the celebration but something came up so I wasn't able to go.

I was on my computer when I received a text message from my friend, Rowena. She texted me that there was an explosion at Glorietta near Park Square. Three were reported dead and many were wounded.

It was a shocking news. I immediately opened the TV and I watched the live news telecast of the terrible incident. I saw the rubble caused by the explosion and people were being rushed to Makati Medical Center, a nearby hospital.

I immediately sent text messages to family and friends who were near the area to take extra precaution. My BIL and SIL were in a meeting at Greenbelt (an adjacent mall) and I'm glad to receive a reply from them that they were safe. I was also concerned for Maggie, my skin therapist because the clinic was inside the said mall. She didn't reply to my message right away because of the commotion. I was grateful when I finally received a confirmation from her that she was alright. Maggie said she heard the loud explosion and she even thought the building was going to collapse.

I consider it as a blessing in disguise that my husband and I weren't able to go to Glorietta earlier this afternoon. The thought of being one of those injured people or worse makes me realize how lucky we are. I thank God for saving us from harm.

I feel so sorry for the people who perished in the explosion and the people who got hurt. May God help them and their families.

According to the latest news update ...

Eight people were killed while at least 89 others were injured after an explosion ripped through an upscale mall in Makati City Friday afternoon. Red Cross and police officials said 56 people injured in the blast were rushed to Makati Medical Center while 33 others were brought to Ospital ng Makati. more news here

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