Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Writer's Cafe

Yvonne of Grow Your Writing Business is inviting people to share their "marvelous mini milestones and super successes" at the Writer's Cafe. In this friendly place, people are welcome to share their goals in writing and blogging and the trials that come along.

I'm not a professional writer but I'm glad Yvonne has welcomed me in this cafe. I told her that I wanted to share some of my small triumphs in writing and I was pleased by her sweet reply ...

I look forward to hearing about your “small triumphs”. I happen to know you’ve done some wonderful things, so it will be great to hear more about them.

Grab a muffin on the one out. They’re too good to miss out on. I’ve ordered some more for the next Writers & Bloggers Cafe too. Hope to see you then.~ Yvonne's message to me

Here some of personal highlights and sweet rewards that I'm grateful for in relation to writing and blogging. With a slice of delicious decadent chocolate cake and a cup of freshly brewed coffee waiting on my side, let me start sharing the following ...

Makiling Newsletter

  • I've been writing for Makiling Newsletter (an official publication of our village comprised of resident volunteers) for several months now. The editor-in-chief personally went to our house to invite my husband and I to be part of their team. I was hesitant at first because I didn't have any writing experience but my husband said it would be a wonderful opportunity for us to take an active part in the community.
  • When my husband and I joined the team, the actual newsletter was in black and white and needed some format improvements but I'm happy to see how the newsletter has improved over the succeeding months through the combined efforts of all the members.
  • The team came up with an idea to open the newsletter to local advertisers to generate additional funds. The homeowners association allots a budget for the running of the newsletter but additional funds are welcome to make some improvements. The first time we announced about the available ad spaces, we were overwhelmed by the number of individuals and business groups that submitted their ads.
  • Just recently, we issued the first colored issue of the Makiling Newsletter. We were able to do that using the funds we generated from advertisers. We were so pleased with this small triumph because it is a sign of progress.
Pinoy Moms Network
  • I'm a happy and proud member of Pinoy Moms Network (PMN) (Parenting blog) which was launched early this year.
  • I have written several articles for PMN and it brings me joy whenever my article is approved and published by the editors on the site. (I have a list of all my published PMN articles on the sidebar.)
  • Recently, PMN has become a network of blogs catering to different fields of interests.
  • The main blog now stands as an aggregator of newly-updated mommy blogs and contents of all the sub-domains.
  • The PMN sub-domains are as follows: Fashion & Personal Style, Food & Cooking, Home & Garden, Parenting, Travel
  • New and upcoming subdomains: Entertainment & Leisure, Health & Wellness and Tech Momma
Blogging Opportunities
  • Recently I have decided to try the prospect of earning money through blogging. I have been approved to join PPP. I have written one post and I have a few still in drafts.
  • It would be nice to earn some shopping money for Christmas. :)
Network of Friends
  • I love the rewards of blogging especially the aspect of meeting wonderful people and forming new friendships.
  • I'm happy that my network of friends is growing and I had several wonderful opportunities meeting some blog friends in person.

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