Saturday, September 08, 2007

Photo Hunt :: Music

Come and join the hunt here.

"Music is the art of thinking with sounds." -- Jules Combarieu

Yohan and his cousin playing the piano at a family reunion last Dec. 2005.

I'm late with my Photo Hunt this week because I had an internet problem. I'm happy that things are back to normal.

My son, Yohan loves music.
  • He enjoys playing with his grandma's piano whenever we visit.
  • He likes singing along with the videoke during family get-togethers (even though he doesn't know all the lyrics).

  • Yohan loves playing "Band" games with us ever since his Dad bought him a box of musical instruments (drums, cymbals and maracas).
  • He also has a wooden guitar given to him by my friend.
  • Yohan once told me he wants to be a singer when he grows up.

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