Thursday, September 20, 2007

Nursery Progress Report 1st Quarter

I got Yohan's report card last Friday and I'm very happy by Yohan's development in school.

His teachers also gave me a progress report which sums up his performance during the 1st Quarter which I would like to share with you. (This is not the actual progress report. I copied the exact words and added some fun details to make it more interesting.)

According to his teachers, Yohan needs to brush up on his self-confidence. Yohan is quite a shy boy but I've seen considerable improvement in him since he started attending pre-school. I hope that he will eventually overcome his shyness in the months to come.

I'm happy that he is enjoying his time in school, learning interesting concepts, discovering new things and making wonderful friends.

Yohan with his some of his classmates, Teacher Renn (upper left), and Teacher Malou (lower right).

(updated: Sept. 22, 2007 at 10:32 am)

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