Monday, September 24, 2007

1st Day at the Gym

I decided to enroll at the gym near Yohan's school (together with other moms) so I could do some much needed exercises while waiting for his class to finish.

Today is Day 1 - Tae Bo with fellow moms from school

Honestly, I don't exercise at home. That's probably why I now feel all sorts of aches and pains all over my body. I guess I'm not used to all that activity. Hope after several days, my body will be able to adjust to the workout.

When I got home after Yohan's class, I went straight to bed. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I was exhausted! I felt much better after that nice nap.

Sorry I haven't replied to the comments yet but I just want to thank everyone for all your wonderful birthday wishes for my Dad. I really appreciate it.

Please excuse me if I haven't done my usual visits. I just don't seem to have the extra energy to do that today. I'll make it up soon.

Have a lovely week ahead.

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