Saturday, August 04, 2007

Tagged :: The Face Behind the Blog

I've been tagged twice to do the Face Behind the Blog meme. The instructions are:

1st step - Post a short blog article that includes a photograph (or a series of photos) showing the face behind your blog. If you already showed a photo somewhere on your site (such as in your about page), then make your post more interesting and choose a photo that’s not currently online.
2nd step - Include links to other people that have displayed a photo, or include their photos in your post, adding a reference.

3rd step - Tag as many others as you like in your post to spread the meme.
4th step - Each person tagged should create their own post and repeat the process.

I am a proud Filipina. I am the eldest in the family. I have a younger brother (three years my junior) who is more mature and responsible than I am. He is like my kuya (Filipino endearment for older brother) even though I am older than him. I'm blessed with loving parents who I adore and look up to. I have a yaya (nanny) who has taken care of me since I was a baby and she is like my second mom. My yaya is still with me until this day.

You probably read this on my sidebar but I think it's a good overview of my personality: At my best, I'm loving, cheerful, creative, thoughtful and sweet. At my worst, I'm impulsive, childish, overindulgent, moody and an obsessive compulsive (OC). I'm an OC because I sometimes worry too much about details. When I worry, I have a tendency to be stuck in that time and situation until I come up with a solution. I have my strong areas and my share of weak points.

I graduated from DLSU, with a double degree in AB Psychology and Marketing Management. I had my MBA at the same school. I went on an indefinite leave because of a sensitive pregnancy. I still have a few more units left to finish.

I met the right man for me at work. After a three-year relationship, Jules and I decided to get married on July 7, 2000. We didn't rush to have a child right after marriage, instead we took our time being together. After three years, we were ready to start a family and it didn't take long for us to be blessed with a child. Yohan came to our lives on the afternoon of July 18, 2003.

I've been happily married to my husband for seven years. I'm a stay-at-home mom to Yohan, who recently turned four. It's amazing how time can pass by so quickly. Sometimes, I wish I had the power to stop time so I can cherish every moment with my family.

I started my blog in 2004 but I only had two posts at that time. My blog went into a hiatus for a year. I revived it in 2006 and half way through that year, I discovered the personal rewards of blogging ~~ meeting interesting people, gaining new friends and preserving memories.

Thank you Raquel of Home Worked and Tina of My Good for tagging me to do this meme.

Learn more about Raquel (also known as Raqgold) here.

Get to know more about Tina (also known as KK) here.

This is an interesting meme and it has been circulating around for a while now. I won't be tagging anyone in particular but if you're reading this and haven't done it yet then you're tagged! :) Just do it when you have time to spare. Don't worry, no rush.

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