Saturday, August 11, 2007

Photo Hunt :: Row (something in a “row”)

Come and join the hunt here.

A few months ago my son was able to complete the Shrek toys from Happy Meal. Here are the characters of Shrek 3 in a row: Donkey, Shrek, Ogre Baby, Fiona, Pinocchio, Dronkey, Ginger Bread Man and Puss in Boots.

I gave these seven Archangels (below) as a gift to my dearest and loyal yaya (nanny) a year ago to protect, guide and keep her safe.

The Archangels are messengers from the Divine to mankind. They offer spiritual sustenance and inspiration. They are protectors of humankind and have specific functions which aid the collective and universal spirit of the human race. ~~ lifted from the book The Angel Oracle by Ambika Walters

Here are the archangels in a row. The seven archangels namely are (not arranged accordingly in the picture): Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Barachiel, Judiel and Seatiel.

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