Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sweet Rewards of Blogging

Thank you to a dear friend, Sandy of Flip-Flop Floozie for giving me these wonderful awards.

These awards are given for the following reasons:

"For those who answer blog comments, emails and make their visitors feel at home on their blog. For the people who take others people's feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping other bloggers design, improve and fix there sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others. "

Sandy, I really appreciate the sweet things you said about me and my blog.

Rachel from Heart of Rachel is from the Philippines. I love getting to know people from different countries. She is a young mom with a little boy and a husband that COOKS!! wow!!Right there I am a fan!! A man that cooks!! Rachel has a HAPPY blog. She just changed her template and now it is even friendlier and happier blog!! She has a sweet spirit and again would be fun to meet in person.

Sandy is a wonderful blog friend and I admire her for being a great mother, a sweet grandmother and a very loyal friend. She is a person you may depend on during good and difficult times. I find it remarkable how she inspires people and give others the strength to face some obstacles in life. She is a blessing to many,

I would like to share these awards with the following friends (in no particular order):

1. Pea of Pea's Corner - Kind, sweet, creative and fun-loving. That's how I see my friend, Pea. She has a gift of creating beauty around her. Her beautiful garden is an example of that gift. I love the beautiful flowers especially the faerie garden that she built. She is also a collector of many lovely things and I appreciate how she shares her treasures with her readers.

2. Connie of Serious Mumbo Jumbo - She's very sweet and generous. Connie enjoys rewarding her readers with fabulous gifts. A sign of a thoughtful and generous soul. Connie has a geunine kindness and her lovely smile certainly gives that away. She easily makes people smile with her friendly and caring ways.

3. Susie of Susie's Place - I find it heartwarming how she shares happy and memorable moments in her past and present. She also takes pride in showing her priceless mementos that have been passed on from generation to generation. Susie's blog is like a treasure chest overflowing with wonderful memories.

4. Sidney of My Sari Sari Store - He has an amazing photoblog showcasing the Philippines. He passionately takes photographs of interesting people, places and events in our country. Sidney is in Belgium right now and will be back in August. I look forward to seeing more of his fabulous pictures when he gets back.

5. Toni of Wifely Steps - Her award winning blog is an inspiration to many including myself. She shares many interesting and inspiring things on her site. I always learn something new when I visit her because of the refreshing insights, great tips, advices and creative links she share on her blog. Toni is celebrating her birthday soon and I would like to take this opportunity to greet her a Happy Birthday! May she have many more great and wonderful opportunities in life. Stay happy my friend!

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