Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Little Chef

I had a one-on-one meeting with Yohan's teacher today. I'm very happy because of the positive things she mentioned about Yohan. Teacher Renn said Yohan easily absorbs lessons, great in following instructions and enjoys participating in class. She admires Yohan's ability to influence his classmates in doing classroom activities. Teacher Renn finds it amuzing how Yohan would whisper the answer to his classmate who might be having a hard time answering her question. Both Teacher Renn and Teacher Malou are touched by Yohan's sweet nature or in Filipino, "malambing."

I'm so proud when Teacher Renn said that Yohan is showing exceptional progress in class and seems to be ahead of his classmates. In fact, she relates how the other day she gave Yohan an individual activity from the rest. She just told him the instructions and left him to do it on his own while his other classmates worked hand in hand on the same activity together. She just wanted to see how Yohan would do and to her amazement, Yohan did remarkably well.

The teacher said that Yohan's weakness is his shyness. She sees a lot of potential in him but sometimes he can be a little shy especially when there is an observer in class. He is often shy of new people. The teacher told me that perhaps we can work together in helping Yohan overcome his shyness.

I told my husband about the teacher's favorable remarks and he said, we should give our son a little incentive for doing well in school. It was perfect timing because it was the first day of showing of Ratatouille. We decided to have lunch at the mall after the meeting and watch the movie together. We all enjoyed the movie. It's a great film for both kids and adults. It's funny and moving at the same time. I appreciate the life lessons shown in the film.

When we got home, Jules and I thought of donning Yohan in an apron and making him a chef's hat. I remembered that he had a toy rat and used it for this fun make believe shot. Do you see him holding it? It was fun taking this picture. We even put some toy fruits and vegetables and gave Yohan a wire whisk for props.

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