Thursday, June 21, 2007

Notes of Gratitude

Happy weekend everyone! Ever since Yohan started going to school, the weekend has become precious and much awaited. The weekend is a passport to sleep late and catch up reading my favorite blogs. It also means having to wake up at my own leisure pace without worrying that we might be late for the school service.

Let me take this chance to share some random notes of gratitude ...

Image Hosted by Thanks Jules for making me a clubhouse sandwich which I brought to school. It was nice of you to make an extra sandwich for my friend Siony. We enjoyed eating the delicious sandwiches while waiting for our kids' class to finish.

Image Hosted by Thanks to a pretty little girl named Nikki for being Yohan's first friend in school. She is also our neighbor and joins us in the school service/shuttle. Although Nikki lives just two streets away from us, Yohan hasn't met her before. She's a very sweet young girl and made the first move to be Yohan's friend. Yohan is very attached to her and always cries whenever it's time to go home knowing he can't take Nikki with him. I always assure him that he'll see Nikki the following day. It would have been nice if they were classmates but Nikki is a year older so she's in Kinder while Yohan is in Nursery. They are always together before and after class.

Image Hosted by Thanks Yaya for waking up daily at 4 a.m. (sometimes earlier) to make breakfast for us and fix Yohan's food for school.

Image Hosted by Thanks Siony for keeping me company in school and telling me so many amuzing stories to pass the time.

Image Hosted by Thanks to Teacher Ren and Malou for being wonderful teachers to Yohan. He is always eager to tell me about the activities you do in class.

Image Hosted by Thanks to my BIL, Keats for the beautiful granite countertop for our TV area.

Image Hosted by Thanks to Tita Rose for the beautiful mask from Venice. I also appreciate the new ink cartridges for my printer.

Image Hosted by Thanks to Chona and Mom Norma for the cookies and chips you bought for Yohan to bring to school.

Image Hosted by Thanks to my friend Gary for texting me inspirational thoughts everyday even though I rarely get the chance to text him back.

Image Hosted by Thanks to all my dear blog friends for always sharing your wonderful thoughts with me. Your comments never fail to make me smile. Happy weekend everyone!

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