Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Jules! Thanks for being a wonderful father to Yohan. I remember when Yohan was born, you were a hands-on father from the beginning. I even thought you had more 'mother's instinct' than I did when Yohan was born. I remember I was afraid of carrying Yohan to help him burp thinking he was so fragile but you guided me in every step. You're a great father and Yohan is lucky to have you.

Here is a card that Yohan made for his Dad. Pardon the grainy photos because I used my cellphone camera and there was not enough light in the room. I cut out the letters and the heart and he glued them to the card. I wrote the words Happy Father's Day inside using pencil and Yohan traced them. He gave it to his Dad when he woke up and gave him a big kiss. Jules was very touched.

Happy Father's Day Dad! Thanks for being a wonderful father to me and Jun-Jun and a great grandfather to Yohan. Thanks for always been supportive, kind, understanding and generous. Your creativity has inspired me in many ways. Thanks for encouraging me to enhance my art skills in school and for being proud of my achievements.

Thanks for always sending us wonderful gifts. Your generous nature is one of your greatest traits. You give without expecting anything in return.

I love you Dad!

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