Friday, May 04, 2007

Yohanism #7

This happened this morning. Yohan was watching Winnie the Pooh on DVD when he told me ...

Yohan: Mommy, I want to watch Spiderman.
Me: Ok, wait. (I got the DVD of Spiderman 2 and replaced the Winnie the Pooh DVD).
Yohan: No, at the movie house. I like popcorn and Sprite.

ha!ha! I guess my son wants to watch Spiderman 3. I told him we'll watch it some time next week. I heard about the long lines at movie theatres for the Spiderman3 movie. I will let the hype tone down a little and perhaps next week would be more ideal for my son to watch it.

Even Jollibee (McDonald's counterpart in the Philippines) have Spiderman toys bundled with their kiddie meals. Yohan completed all four in a single visit. :)

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