Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tagged :: 7 Things About Me

I was tagged to do the same meme again by Shona Tiger of House of Stone. I know you've seen me do this meme several times already but I hope you don't mind if I'm at it again. :) I decided to make it 7 visual things about me. I kept it light this time by mentioning little things that happened recently ...

1. I received these lovely gifts from my sister-in-law, Ves and family. They recently went to the province of Bohol for a vacation. Bohol is famous for its majestic Chocolate Hills. There are so many beautiful places in the Philippines that I have yet to discover.

2. My husband and I enjoy bringing Yohan to children's parties. Last week, we attended the 7th birthday party of a Jhornalaine at Jollibee. We all had a terrific time.

3. I was sad because the strap of one of my favorite bags got torn so Jules bought me a new one last week to replace it. I love this new bag because of the many functional slots/pockets it has inside.

4. Watched Pirates of the Carribean : At World's End at Power Plant last Saturday with Jules. We really enjoyed the movie. I love the character of Jack Sparrow. He's so amuzing!

Here are some of the food we had this weekend. Seafood pasta from Spaghetti Factory, Pizza and Oriental Salad from Cucina Victoria, Ice Banana and Buko Pandan from Ice Monsters, Pistachio, Mangoes n' Cream, Berries n' Cream ice-cream from BIC.

6. I'm so thrilled because I won Connie's Charm Giveaway. I feel so lucky! Connie is one of my dear blog friends and she is such a sweet, warm and thoughtful person. Thank you Connie!

photo borrowed from Connie's site

7. I was at Rever Salon last Friday for some pampering. I had a haircut, eyebrow threading and pedicure. But the best thing that happened that day was seeing the face of someone special. I was flipping through the pages of a magazine and lo and behold I saw him ...

Here's a little trivia I learned about Dominic Purcell (a.k.a. Lincoln Burrows): His first showbiz gig was being the Marlboro man in the Philippines.

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