Monday, May 14, 2007

A Mom's Heart

This is my fourth Mother's Day and it's very special because this is the first time Yohan has successfully uttered the words Happy Mother's Day. As some of you may already know, Yohan was a bit of a late talker and last year, he had difficulty completing the words but now, the words are so clear that it just touched my heart. It felt so good to hear him say it.

My husband gave me a beautiful card. Here's what it says inside ...

Know what I love about our life together?
It's the fact that you're my partner and we're a team.
I couldn't ask for a better friend, companion,
and confidante from day to day.

Together, we make it though
the hard days ...
the easy days ...
the crazy days ...
the funny days ...
There's nothing that can stop us
as long as we have each other to love.
Simple happiness such as these are enough to fill a mom's heart.

Before heading to the mall, we went to visit Yohan's grandmothers (my mother-in-law and her twin sister). Yohan gave them the personalized "photo bags" (which I featured before on my blog). They like the bags very much. Yohan's cousin, Darlene and family gave me a box of delicious brownies.

The three of us celebrated Mother's Day by having lunch at Tempura Japanese Grill in ATC. Notice Yohan wearing the I ♥ My Mommy t-shirt we bought him a few days ago. We ordered Yakisoba, Ebi Tempura, Chicken Terriyaki, Sashimi and Assorted Maki. The restaurant gave me a free mini chocolate cake in honor of Mother's Day. A prety girl carrying a basket of roses came to our table and gave me one. I read the card and it was from Ayala mall. I think it was a sweet gesture.

We spent the rest of the day playing at the arcade which Yohan loves. Then after the mall, we visited another grandmother, Lola Mary and gave her a Mother's Day present. She was happy to see us. Lola Mary gave me a rosary bracelet that she personally made.

Yohan was excited to go home because he wanted to play with the new Dora video game that we bought for him that day. That night before sleeping he said he wanted to put the video control under his pillow because Swiper (the fox character in Dora the Explorer) might swipe it. I said he couldn't put it under his pillow because it's too big and promised to guard it from Swiper. He reluctantly agree and fell asleep after a few minutes. :)

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