Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yohan's Easter Egg Hunt - 3 of 3

I hope you're not getting tired of seeing Yohan's Easter photos. This is the last one and hope you'll enjoy going through them.

Happy 1st Birthday to my godchild, Alexa! She's the beautiful daughter of my best friend, Lyonnel and his lovely wife Tricia. Alexa had a marvelous party held at the clubhouse of Green Meadows last Saturday, April 8, 2007. The venue was filled with lots of pretty Easter decorations as the motiff of the party and the food was overwhelming.

It was the first time Yohan joined party games. He's often shy when it comes to joining games but that day he was in such a great mood. I consider it a great milestone seeing him join other kids in the fun games, enjoying the magic show and the whole program.

His group won two games in a row and he enjoyed choosing prizes from the huge table full of toys, books, treats and other fun stuff.

The best part that Yohan enjoyed was the Easter Egg Hunt. It was already his third that day but we was still enthusiastic and excited about it. I helped him go around the venue to look for Easter Eggs. We only got 6 eggs while the others got not less than 10. I even heard one girl who got an amazing 24 eggs. It turned out that it wasn't the most number of eggs who got the biggest prize but the ones who got the gold and silver eggs. We were so thrilled because Yohan got the silver egg! The girl who got the gold egg received a medium sized box wrapped in fancy paper. I had no idea what was inside. Yohan received a huge paper bag which was filled with toys, books and lots of other wonderful goodies. I felt so happy for my son because he got one of the biggest prizes that night.

Just look at everything Yohan got on a single day (from the 3 Easter Egg Hunts). He's really lucky to get all these wonderful goodies this year. When I look at this picture, it almost looks as if it was his birthday. I think it's his best Easter so far. It was so heartwarming to see him very happy.

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