Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday Madness #26

Click here to join the madness.

1. Where did you go on your last vacation?
My family went to Balai Beach Resort at San Juan, Batangas (Philippines) early last month.

2. Would you go there again? Why or why not?
Yes because it's just two hours away and it's a beautiful place ideal for some family bonding.

3. How many vacations do you take in one year?
At least one to two vacations in a year.

4. Where would you REALLY like to go on your next vacation, if money was no issue, and how long would you stay?
I'd love to go to New York and visit my parents and my brother and shop 'til I drop. :)
I would also like to bring my son to Disneyland California or Disney World in Florida.

5. Do you put a little money aside each week (or month) to save up for your vacation?
No, I don't but I think that would be a nice idea.

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