Sunday, March 04, 2007

Protect The Gentle Hearts

Protect The Gentle Hearts

Born innocent.
Sweet and gentle.
Free from malice.
A pureness of heart.

A curious nature.
So eager to learn.
An open mind.
A trusting heart.

Ventures into the world.
So young.
So vulnerable.
Easily influenced.

Keep a close eye.
Supervise and observe.
Guide the innocent.
Shield from harm.

~ Rachel~

I wrote this simple poem as my own little way of supporting the noble cause of safeguarding the web for children. I first read about it at Yvonne Russel's site called Grow Your Writing Business. I agree with her that children are susceptible to exposure to pornography on the internet. It's a disturbing and frightening reality. Innocent children are lured into sites containing pornographic and dangerous content.

Yvonne has led me to this open letter by Mihaela Lica at Blogger Power. This open letter is a request to all the “adult site” webmasters to "require a password-protected login before allowing even free access to explicit adult content ... read more"

I believe that it's a noteworthy campaign and I hope that all the good efforts put into it will bring positive results.

Yvonne has led me to the posts of other bloggers supporting the cause of safeguarding the web for children:

Jose of Tried It Myself
Laura Spencer of Writing Thoughts
Paula of Paula Mooney

To know more about it, you may visit the sites mentioned. I support their passionate insights and I hope that you can take time and look into it yourself. Thank you.

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