Saturday, March 10, 2007

Photo Hunt :: Architecture


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Before anything else, I would like to thank TNChick for appointing me site of the day last Saturday. It was an honor. Thank you to everyone who graciously visited my hunt and looking forward to seeing you again this week.

This is the the Sta. Monica Church in Panay, Capiz in the Philippines. It's a beautiful church with Spanish design. I went there on a vacation several years ago with my family. Sta. Monica church houses the biggest bell in Southeast Asia.

The century old church’s five-storey belfry shelters a huge antique bell. I remember going up the stairway with my younger brother and cousins to see the fascinating giant bell. Old folks claim that the bell was casted from 76 sacks of coins believed to have been contributed by the citizens of the town. According to facts, the giant bell holds a staggering record - seven feet in diameter and weighs 10.4 tons.

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