Monday, March 05, 2007

Creativity Corner

Whenever we go to family gatherings, I always bring a bag filled with a few toys, books and art materials for Yohan. It helps pass the time and a useful 'boredom deterrent' as well.

These photos were taken at my mother-in-law's house several weeks ago. There was a party hosted for balikbayan (Filipinos living abroad on vacation) relatives.

As usual, I had my bag of props ready. When I noticed the kids running all over the place, I decided to call them to have a little fun art session. I would rather see them sitting down and doing some fun art than risk one of them getting hurt while running.

First, I put out some clay. Yohan and his cousins had fun using the clay molds I brought with me. When they were done with clay, I took out some paint, brushes and sketch pads. They enjoyed that one too. I even brought cellophane aprons to protect their clothes. My mom sent me a box of those disposable aprons and it's perfect for kids.

Jules referred to it as my creativity corner.

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