Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Splish Splash!

Summer is starting to knock on the door. I can already feel its heat slowly making its presence. The best way to welcome the summer is to have a refreshing swim. We were in luck, Tito (Uncle) Greg and Tita (Aunt) Tammi invited us and the rest of Jules' family for a weekend family get together. They rented a private pool at Pansol, Laguna.

We had a marvelous time especially my lil' boy Yohan. He had a great time splish splashing in the water, playing water guns with his cousins Tisha and Dee-Dee, riding his inflatable turtle and playing billiards with his Dad. He had so much fun that he got tired in the afternoon and had a long, peaceful nap in one of the bedrooms upstairs. Jules and I took advantage of our son napping and enjoyed chatting and eating snacks with the rest of the family.

With summer setting in fast, I think I'll need a new rash guard (swim shirt). Yohan and I both have blue rash guards which I bought last year. I would love to get a new one this year. Something with a pink touch would be nice. :)

Thanks for the treat Tito Greg and Tita Tammi.

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