Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Power Ranger Mode

Yohan loves Power Rangers. His Ninong (Godfather) Kirby knows that Yohan is a big fan of Power Rangers. Last Christmas, he sent Yohan a Magi Staff (a Power Ranger sword) which made my little boy very happy. A few days ago, Yohan received lots of nice gifts from his Ninong Kirby. One of them was a Power Ranger Solar Cell Morpher. Yohan was ecstatic! My little boy excitedly donned on his blue Power Ranger costume. Armed with his Magi Staff and solar Cell Morpher, he gave his dad and mom a nice Power Ranger performance. :)

Thanks Kirby for being such a generous Ninong to my son. Thank you also for all the nice gifts you sent for me and Jules.

*Saw this cool widget at Toni of Wifely Steps. Thanks Toni for always featuring cool links on your blog.

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