Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My KMMS Package

Kooky Kay of Simple Pleasures is hosting KMMS (Kay's Monthly Mini Swap). She started this great swap activity last January 2007.

I joined the January KMMS and the theme was Foodies. The object of the swap was to put together several items related to food and mail it to your partner (name provided by Kay). My partner for the January KMMS was Graymama of The Beauty of Gray.

For the swap, I sent her the following ...

crocheted coaster/mini doilies, coaster made from capiz shells, keychain, chopsticks, ornamental spoon & fork and a friendship bracelet.

When Graymama received my package, she e-mailed me a sweet thank you. Hope she doesn't mind me sharing a part of her kind note that warmed my heart ...

Your package arrived today :-) I could not have asked for a better
Valentine's Day gift!!! I LOVE everything!!!! The bracelet and
note were a special little extra that I will wear every day and think of you
I was glad she liked what I sent her and I was really touched by her sweet and kind thoughts.

Today, I received the package from Graymama and I'm very happy to receive all these wonderful things. She sent me the following ...

a wonderful hardbound Pizza recipe book, a nice dish towel with different herbs design, a set of cute recipe postcards and a beautiful knitted dish cloth.

A note for my sweet and kind partner ...
Thank you very much Graymama for your thoughtfulness. My husband and I are excited to try the pizza recipes. We love eating pizza and how nice that you sent us this great recipe book. Upon reading your blog, I learned that you have a passion for knitting and I happily assume that you knitted the beautiful green dish cloth. I like the recipe postcards. It's a wonderful way to share my favorite recipes to family and friends. I love the different herbs printed on the dish towel. It reminded me of the herb garden that my husband has always wanted.
The new swap theme for the month is Post Cards. Would you like to join this month's KMMS? Drop by at Kooky Kay's Simple Pleasures to find out more. Enjoy!

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