Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday Madness

Click here to join the madness.

From sleeping mermaid:
If you could rewrite one pivotal moment in history, good or bad, to make a change, which moment would that be AND what are some of the consequences that you believe might come from that change?
It's a good question but to be honest, I'm too afraid to risk changing anything in history. I don't want to risk upsetting the balance. Besides, I don't want to risk changing my fate and not meeting my husband. I'd be devastated if I lose the chance of building the family I have now.

From beth:
What's the most unusual hobby you have? How did you get started with it?
It's not unusual but my latest hobby is blogging. I eagerly check my new comments and visit some of my favorite blogs the first chance I get in the morning. I also take time to read more blogs before I turn in for bed. I started blogging regularly middle of last year and I've been hooked since then.

From shelly:
Name one thing for each of the following:
Favorite smell - Freshly baked Cinnamon buns
Favorite texture - Satin sheets
Favorite view - City lights from afar
Favorite sound - Yohan's (my son) voice
Favorite taste - Blueberry cheesecake

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