Sunday, February 04, 2007

I Heart You

I find these heart shaped candies very cute. I love the different colors and the words printed on them. I remember hearing my cousin say I heart you. She's a teenager. :) I guess she means I like you or I love you.
Yohan likes the heart shaped candies too but he doesn't like eating them. haha. I like the candies with the words: Heart of Gold, #1 Fan, Kiss Me and One I Love.

I think every child has a Heart of Gold because they love unconditionally. Their innocent hearts make that possible. Parents are their children's #1 Fan. I'm sure many of you can't deny this especially when you watch your children during their recitals, school programs and various games in sports. Kiss Me, something I look forward from my husband and son everyday. I will always be grateful for having Jules and Yohan in my life because they are the Ones I Love.

I saw this cute ACME Heart Maker and made this cute heart ...

Make your own heart here.

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