Monday, February 19, 2007

Get Well Soon Mom Norma

When You're Not Here

When you are ill,
our sun goes under a cloud.
Your presence in our lives
is such a bright joy
that everything seems in shadow
when you're not here.
When you aren't feeling well,
we feel the lack
of your glowing energy
and contagious vitality.
When you are sick
we feel incomplete,
like a jigsaw puzzle
with a missing piece;
Please rest,
take good care of yourself,
and feel better.
We miss you
and want you back.

Get well soon.

By Joanna Fuchs

Get well soon to my mother-in-law, Mom Norma. She's not suffering from aneurysm as earlier feared but her old hyperthyroidism is acting up again and causing her some pain. She is at the hospital for further observation. The whole family is praying for her quick recovery.

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