Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Fun Sketch Swap

I visited Rose of World Outside My Window and saw this cool website called Sketch Swap. It lets you draw freely on a blank screen and after you submit a drawing, you will receive a drawing in return. I found the swap idea very interesting and decided to try it.

Sketch Swap rules: We appreciate you sketching sketches! We approve every single sketch submitted before it can be received by others. You can draw anything except: if it's only a writing with no sketch, or writing only your URL, or anything a child wouldn't wanna see, anything completely garbled, just a dot, just a line, just a stick man etc. If you want to write something, you also need to sketch a bit... also, please only write in English so we can understand & approve it.
I drew a simple friendship bear which I submitted to the site.

This was the drawing I got in return.

It's quite amuzing. See the girl at the door? I think she was surprised when she opened the door and saw a man trying his very best to act like a hero even though he's not one. He's probably trying to impress the girl. LoL.

I would love to hear how you interpret this drawing.

Special thanks to Rose for sharing this fun link.

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