Thursday, February 01, 2007

Drawing Personality Test

Saw this cool link on Gabrielle's blog. Thanks Gabrielle for always sharing wonderful and interesting sites. I'm always inspired by your ideas.

This is my drawing ...

About my drawing: My family and I are vacationing in a beautiful place. There's a terrific view of twin mountains. It's a perfect sunny day for relaxing. I'm happily reading a book on the hammock while Jules and Yohan are fishing nearby. Bruno, our labrador is also with them.

The results of my analysis say:

You tend to pursue many different activities simultaneously. When misfortune does happen, it doesn't actually dishearten you all that much.
You are a thoughtful and cautious person. You like to think about your method, seeking to pursue your goal in the most effective way.
You are creative, mentally active and industrious.
You have a sunny, cheerful disposition.

Come on, give it a try. It's fun. Let me know when you do. Here's the link below...

What does your drawing say about YOU?

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