Friday, January 26, 2007

Making Money from Scrap Materials

My husband and I saw this interesting shop at Laguna, Philippines. It was eye-catching because of the colorful displays of pinwheels, lamps, bird houses and many more so we just had to stop. It was a very simple shop but we were amazed by the beautiful, handmade products made of recycled items. They sell cute bird houses in different colors and sizes. Some were real bird houses while others were made into lamps. The store also sells hand painted mail boxes and lanterns.

I adore the lovely pinwheels and we bought several of them for our garden. We met the man who makes these beautiful creations. My husband and I admire him for his ingenuity and creativity. I think it's great that he was able to make money using recycled items such as corrogated plastic and PC boards. His gift for transforming scrap materials into a beautiful work of art is astounding.

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