Sunday, August 27, 2006

My Lil' Cowboy

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Yohan was invited to a cowboy party by Sean (Jules' godchild). Mom Norma was kind enough to make Yohan a cowboy vest. The Y patch gave the vest a nice personal touch to it.

I wasn't able to take a proper picture of Yohan wearing his cowboy outfit so I'll just describe it. He was wearing a checkered yellow polo, brown vest, khaki pants and matching cowboy hat.

I was very lucky to find a cowboy hat in a small toy store for only P59.00. Before that, I saw a nice cowboy hat but it costs ten times more so I was delighted to find a much cheaper one. The hat wasn't on display. I was about to leave the toy store when I thought of asking one of the sales staff. It was my day coz she told me that she had a few left in the storage room. Lucky me!

It was quite a big party. I guess most parents have grown accustomed to giving their children a nice party when they turn seven. I remember as a child, my parents also gave me a memorable party when I turned seven. Many parents I know give big parties for their children at ages one, seven, sixteen and eighteen.

Yohan enjoyed the magic show but he was more captivated by the fire eating stunt. He watched in awe as the cowboy put the blazing flame inside his mouth. Yohan looked back at me with a questioning look. I told him that it was a trick that he should never try at home because it was very dangerous. I told him that only professional people can perform that stunt.

The cowboy host gave away a few sculptured balloons. Yohan eagerly waited for his turn but he didn't get one. He seemed very disappointed and I really felt sorry for him. I was glad that he didn't cry and seemed to accept that only a few lucky ones got balloons.

To cheer him up, we went to McDonald's drive thru to get him two Happy Meals. We knew it was the first day of the Pokemon Happy Meal promo so Yohan was truly delighted to get his Pokemon characters. He chose Picachu and Blastoise.

The lil' cowboy went home smiling after all.

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