Sunday, June 18, 2006

Yohan's upcoming birthday

Yohan is celebrating his 3rd party on July 18, 2006.

We'll probably give him a small party this year instead of the big parties he used to have. When he turns 7, he can have another big party but for now, a simple birthday party will do.

I asked him what kind of birthday cake does he like. He said he wants a Thomas cake with Annie and Claribel. So, it's final, the theme of his party this year will be Thomas and Friends.

I already inquired about a Thomas and Friends theme cake at Do Me a Favor at ATC. They have very nice cakes. I bought Yohan's 2nd Birthday Cake (Pooh) there. They also make cute character cupcakes for P40 each. I'd like to buy some cupcakes too for his birthday.

When Yohan was christened, he had a two layered Blues Clues cake for a whopping P5500. When he turned one, he had a nice 3D Winnie the Pooh cake for P2500 and a medium sized cake from Mc Donald's. When he was two, I got him a medium sized cake from Jollibee. This time, I'll settle for a resonably priced cake.

Jules and I have been talking about Yohan's 3rd Birthday. We don't know where to hold his party. Our place is under renovation and it's not a good time to invite guests. The clubhouse is a big venue. Hmmm, we're considering of holding it at a nearby Jollibee outlet. Nothing is final yet.

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