Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Swimming at Los Banos

We went swimming earlier at a private pool in Los Banos, courtesty of Dino's father. Yohan adamantly refused to go in the pool but he later realized what he was missing. Yohan had a wonderful time swimming. His Mama Norma bought him an inflatable turtle and Lola Dol gave him an inflatable shark.

Rain drops keep falling on my head ...

Yohan had a special treat today. It was his first time to shower in the rain. Yohan was fascinated. He usually watches the rain through the window but today he felt it on his skin for the first time. The rain felt cold in contrast to the warm pool water but Yohan didn't mind.

Jules and Yohan - swim partners.

Taking a break from swimming - time for some art. Young artists: Dee Dee, Tisha, Nico and Yohan.

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