Saturday, June 03, 2006

Forward Roll is back

Yohan has been attending Little Gym classes since he was a year old. He was always eager to try new things. He loved doing the forward roll. He always enjoyed being the first one to do it in his class. Often times, his teacher would ask Yohan to demonstrate the forward roll to his new classmates.

But, for uncertain reasons, he lost his passion for forward rolls when he was two years old. He did not want to go near the "cheese" where forward rolls are done and he also did not want to participate in the bar activities.

It has troubled me for quite some time. Jules even suggested that we stop enrolling Yohan for a while because he might be tired of doing the same activities. But I wanted Yohan to continue with his classes because I believe the activities help in his social development.

We and his teachers have gotten used to Yohan's refusal to do the forward roll, backward flip and the bar activities, that we agreed not to push him. Besides, he still enjoyed other actvities like the parachute, sticks, balls and bubbles.

Yesterday came as a welcome surprise and a thrill ... Yohan did a forward roll all by himself. When I asked him if he wanted to do a forward roll, he did not reply with a loud "No!" Instead, he raised his arms and made the forward roll stance and he did it! When Jules found out, he was very happy, especially when Yohan gave him an enthusiastic demonstration. I couldn't ask for more but I was thrilled when Yohan agreed to do a backward flip.

I really hope that he'll do it in class this Wednesday. I have a strong feeling that he would. :)

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