Monday, May 29, 2006

Thomas and Friends

Yohan loves Thomas and Friends. He first watched Thomas and Friends on Cartoon Network when he was more than a year old. Thomas and Friends became his favorite tv program ever since.

I bought his first Thomas and Friends (Die-Cast) playset at Maxitoylab at ATC. The playset included Thomas the TAnk Engine and one Troublesome Truck. His 2nd playset was a birthday gift from his Lola Dol on his 2nd birthday.

Thomas and Friends went to the Philippines to celebrate its 60th Anniversary. They performed several live shows in different malls. Yohan was overwhelmed when he met Thomas and the Fat Controller in person. As an added treat, Yohan and his Dad had a rare ride on Thomas the Tank Engine himself.
The look on Yohan's face was enough to melt my heart. I knew that it was an experience he will never forget.

Today, he has several connectible playsets and Die-Cast trains. But Yohan still needs several more trains to complete his set.

The trains marked in yellow circles are the trains that are not yet part of his collection.
Yohan knows all of his trains. I'm amazed on how quickly he memorized their names. Sometimes, he even corrects me when I call a particular train by a wrong name. He also knows the Fat Controller, a.k.a. Topman Hat. Lately, Yohan has memorized some of the names of the trains that are missing from his collection. Thus, I sometimes hear him ask his Dad to buy him more trains.

"Daddy buy Henry and Gordon ... please," Yohan keeps telling his Dad. Then, sometimes he would turn to me and say something like, "Mom buy Edward." ha! ha! Funny, how at his age, he seems to know how to assign the trains that he want to people around him. It's always a delight to hear him verbalize his thoughts.

Jules and I have looked almost everywhere but it seems all Die-Cast trains are not available. As of now, stores are only selling wooden trains. I guess Yohan has to wait a while for the next batch of Die-Cast trains to come.

Even Cartoon Network stopped airing Thomas and Friends. I heard it has transfered to Nickelodeon which our pathetic cable company does not have. Bummer!

Good thing, there are available Thomas and Friends VCDs and DVDs in the market. I was able to buy him 2 VCDs and his Ninang Chona recently gave Yohan a compilation of Thomas and Friends DVD.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    hi.. my son and i love thomas and his friends..we have several die-cast toys already and im looking forward to collect trains with railways.. and have no idea where to start.. my son is only 2 and he...really..really like thomas as in he's trying to get..umh literally thomas on my lappy screen.. and oh when did the thomas team had their tour here.. tskk..tskk i missed it!

    thank u.

    pls email me-
